Don’t give up your smile for dental problems!
Your smile is your image. Nowadays, your image counts as much as your professionalism. That’s why you can’t do without a natural, beautiful smile that enhances your face. This is why we design and create the smile you deserve with the utmost professionalism.
I am Dr. Kliton Malaj and I welcome you to this page.
I opened the Platinum Dental Clinic with the solemn commitment to carry out this profession with humanity, humility, and ensure the best treatment for my patient.
For me and the clinic staff, the Hippocratic Oath is not just a text to read before graduation. It is an oath that must be kept throughout the professional life. Our mission is to ensure professional and high quality treatment for our patients.
Thanks to the commitment and dedication shown, today we are the reference clinic for all Albanian patients.
I feel satisfied with my commitment as most patients come to the clinic on a recommendation from a friend or relative who has been treated by us.

There are three pillars that allow us to offer our patients European standards:
- Professional work of the staff
Dental care at Platinum Dental Clinic strictly follows all EU protocols and standards.
Unlike other clinics, with us the patient is followed by a referring doctor throughout his treatment. The referring doctor informs the patient about all the necessary treatments and the times that must be respected to guarantee a professional work.
The same doctor will follow him once he leaves the clinic. To give the patient a natural smile, we pay close attention to selecting the color, tone, shape and aesthetics of the new teeth. The smile must be in harmony with the patient’s face and skin color.

- Only certified materials to guarantee European standards
Patients who choose to treat their teeth abroad often means making a compromise with quality.
We have decided not to make any compromises with the professionalism and quality of the materials we use.
In fact, all our materials are certified according to EU standards, and are provided with a guarantee and implant passport (a document that allows you to trace their origin and verify their quality).

- Guarantee on all treatments done in the clinic
Counting on the professionalism of the staff and the quality of the materials, we can 100% guarantee that the patient will have the smile they deserve at the end of the treatment.
We want to value our promises. That is why at the end of the treatment, we provide the patient with a written guarantee. Unlike other clinics that guarantee their interventions for 2 – 5 years, we offer a 10 year guarantee for Straumann® implants.
Find your most beautiful smile, guaranteed without surprises.

The dental implant is an artificial root. It is inserted into the upper or lower arch in order to act as a natural root and guarantee the recovery of the correct chewing of the mouth.
Dentures are a branch of dentistry that replaces lost teeth, aesthetically corrects existing ones or improves the function and aesthetic appearance of the teeth.
Orthodontics is a specialist branch of dentistry. The term “orthodontics” can be broken down into two Greek words – “orthos” meaning straight or correct and “dontics” meaning teeth.
This is the specialty that diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the gums and the periodontal tissues. Periodontal tissues are those structures that help support the tooth – including bone.
The term endodontics is derived from two Greek words – “endo” meaning inside and “odons” meaning tooth. Taken together, these words mean study of the inner part of the tooth or the dental pulp.
nvisalign is the invisible appliance for realigning teeth without metal wires.
Invisalign consists of a series of removable transparent masks.

General Checkups

Dental Implants


Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening